Dear Rob,
Thank You just does not seem adequate enough to convey how we feel about the awesome show you put on at our Comedy and Magic Show at Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles on April 12, 2012. Everyone is still talking about your magic and jokes! Your finale was amazing and unexpected! The audience was surprised and was left perplexed well after the show.
Rob, you are a man of rare insight, able to put across a wonderful show in a captivating way. You have the unique ability to craft your magic to be mysterious, while making it a hilarious, fun, interesting, and an overall memorable experience. It has been several days since the magic show, but people who attended come by the office and comment saying, Rob was a fantastic magician with humor and enthusiasm! and Bring him back! He’s got awesome magic! You had the audience laughing and participating all of the way through. Here are a few of the comments that people made on the evaluations:
I think Rob was better than Excellent, he was really amazing Thank you for getting him here! Rob is one of the best magicians I have ever seen and I have seen some of the best! Rob and his magic were awesome and hilarious!!! I am glad I was able to attend, it was a terrific show.
Thank you for all of your efforts in making this event a huge success. It was a pleasure working with you and we look forward to having future events with you. We will be sure to recommend you when we can.
Thank you again! Best Regards,